Featured Works

At MOCS we support a wide variety of works in this space. Our community contributes fantastic efforts to progressing knowledge in the field – here are some featured works providing insight into this space. Contact us to share your research with our community.

Graham, T. & Bogle, A. (2022). Digital disinformationIn Glasser, R., Johnstone, C. & Kapetas, A. (Eds.), The geopolitics of climate and security in the Indo-Pacific (pp. 84–90)Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

Dr Timothy Graham is an Associate Professor in Digital Media at the Queensland University of Queensland (QUT). His research combines computational methods with social theory to study online networks and platforms, with a particular interest in online bots and trolls, disinformation, and online ratings and rankings devices. He develops open source software tools for social media data analysis, and has published in journals such as Information, Communication & Society, Information Polity, Big Data & Society, and Social Media + Society.

In 2021, Tim was announced as an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award recipient and was awarded funding for his project, Combating Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour on Social Media.

Australian military and security contexts

Baggiarini, B. (2024). Algorithmic war and the dangers of in-visibility, anonymity, and fragmentation. Australian Journal of International Affairs78(2), 257-265.

Hofer , P., and Knight, C., “Conceptualizing an Urban Operations Vehicle within a Comprehensive Research and Development Program,” Connected and Automated Vehicles 7(1):53-67, 2024

Dixon, C. and Piccini, J.  (2022) ‘Over Sexed, Over Paid and Over Here  …  Again? Americans on R&R in Vietnam-Era Sydney’, Australian Historical Studies

Black, M. and Dortmans, P. (2022) ‘Not so quiet on the Southern Front’ The Interpreter, 18 February.

Graham, T. and Bogle, A. (2022) ‘Digital Disinformation’, in (eds) R. Glasser, C. Johnstone, A. Kapetas, The Geopolitics of Climate and Security in the Indo-Pacific’, Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

Mansted, K. (2018) The public square in the digital age: Protecting Australia’s democracy from cyber-enabled foreign interference, Belfer Center, June.

Jevglevskaja, N. and Baggiarini, B. (2021) ‘Future all-volunteer force: the impact of artificial intelligence on recruitment and retention strategies’, Australian Journal of Defence and Strategic Studies, 3(1): 175-200.

Bailey, M., & Brawley, S. (2018). Why weren’t we taught? Exploring frontier conflict through the lens of Anzac. Journal of Australian Studies, 42(1), 19-33.

Beaumont, J. and Cadzow, A. (2018) Serving our country : indigenous Australians, war, defence and citizenship. Sydney: NewSouth.


Gender and family dynamics in Defence

Williams J; Yates S; Connor J, 2024, ‘Creating a new pathway for change in the military using gender as process’, Gender, Work and Organization, 31, pp. 211 – 226.

Rogers, M., Johnson, A., & Coffey, Y. (2024). Gathering voices and experiences of Australian military families: Developing family support resources. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health10(2), 79-94. doi:10.3138/jmvfh-2023-0057

Newfield, C., Johnson, A., & Russell, A. M. T. (2024). Desired Employment and Local Social Support: The Strongest Predictors for Wellbeing Outcomes Amongst the Partners of Australian Military Members. Military Behavioral Health, 1-14.

Lawn, S., Waddell, E., Roberts, L., Rioseco, P., Beks, T., Sharp, T., … & Wadham, B. (2024). No Women’s Land: Australian Women Veterans’ Experiences of the Culture of Military Service and Transition. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health21(4), 479.

Johnson A, Ames K, Lawson C. (2021) Archetype Profiles of Military Spouses in Australia – Identifying Perfect Partners and Mean Girls. Armed Forces & Society.

Pendlebury J. (2020) “This Is a Man’s Job”: Challenging the Masculine “Warrior Culture” at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Armed Forces & Society. 46(1):163-184. 

Bridges, D., and Wadham, B. (2020) Gender under fire: portrayals of military women in the Australian print media, Feminist Media Studies, 20:2, 219-237.

Military abuse, scandal and ethics

MacKenzie, M., & Wadham, B. (2023). Is the problem with military culture one of bad apples or bad orchards?: war crimes, scandals, and persistent dysfunction. Australian Journal of Political Science58(3), 298-308.

Wadham B; Connor J, 2023, ‘Commanding men, governing masculinities: Military institutional abuse and organizational reform in the Australian armed forces’, Gender, Work and Organization, 30, pp. 1533 – 1551.

Wadham, B., Connor, J., Hamner, K., & Lawn, S. (2023). Raped, beaten and bruised: military institutional abuse, identity wounds and veteran suicide. Critical Military Studies, 1–20.

Crompvoets, S. (2021) Blood Lust, Trust & Blame. Melbourne: Monash University Press.

Andrews DJ; Connor J; Wadham B, (2020) ‘The Military Scandal: Its Definition, Dynamics, and Significance’, Armed Forces and Society, 46: 716 – 734.

MacKenzie M. (2020) ‘Why do soldiers swap illicit pictures? How a visual discourse analysis illuminates military band of brother culture’. Security Dialogue. 51(4):340-357.

August Elliott, C. (2018) ‘The Abuse Scandal Rocking Australia’s Special Operations Forces’ Foreign Policy, 14 August.

Military identity and remembrance

Dixon, C., & Johnson, J. (2024). Black America and Hollywood’s Korean War: The Steel Helmet (1951) and Pork Chop Hill (1959)Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television44(2), 409–423.

Caso, F. (2023). Indigenous Military Inclusion: A Settler Colonial Critique of the Regional Force Surveillance Units. Australian Journal of Politics & History69(3), 542-560.

Kerby, M., Baguley, M., Gehrmann, R., & Bedford, A. (2023). Frontline heroes: Bush fires, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Queensland Press. Media, War & Conflict16(1), 26-43.

Madigan, T & West, B 2023, ‘Western tourism at Cu Chi and the memory of war in Vietnam: dialogical effects of the carnivalesque’, Thesis Eleven: Critical Theory and Historical Sociology, vol. 174, no. 1, pp. 118-134.

West, B 2022, ‘Militarizing politics of recognition through the Invictus Games: post-heroic exalting of the armed forces’, American Journal of Cultural Sociology, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 596-619.

West, B. (2022) Finding Gallipoli: Battlefield Remembrance and the Movement of Australian and Turkish History. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dabovich, P. A., Eliott, J., & McFarlane, A. (2021). The meanings soldiers attach to health and their impacts on primary health-care utilization and avoidance in an Australian high-risk combat unit. Armed Forces & Society, 47(2), 1-21.

Connor, J., Andrews, D. J., Noack-Lundberg, K., & Wadham, B. (2021). Military Loyalty as a Moral Emotion. Armed Forces and Society, 47(3), 530-550.

Carter, C. (2021) ‘Recasting the warrior: the Victoria Cross for Australia and contemporary civil-military relations’, in B West & T Crosbie (eds), Militarization and the Global Rise of Paramilitary Culture: Post-Heroic Reimaginings of the Warrior, Springer, Singapore, ch. 3, pp. 37-54.

Hoglin, P. (2021). ‘Secularism and pastoral care in the Australian defence force’. Australian Army Journal, 17(1), 98–111.

Kerby M, Baguley M, Gehrmann R, Bedford A. (2021). Frontline heroes: Bush fires, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Queensland Press. Media, War & Conflict. February.

Baggiarini, B. and Rupka, S. (2020). ‘Remembering the Drone Wars: High Technology Warfare and the Trauma Lacuna’. Social Research: An International Quarterly 87(3), 763-786. 

West, B. (2018). ‘The future of reserves: In search of a social research agenda for implementing the Total Workforce Model’. Australian Army Journal, 14(1), 109–119.

Military to civilian transition

Wadham, B., Andrewartha, L., Takarangi, M., West, D., Munguia, P., Norris, M., & Wyatt-Smith, M. (2024). Weaving the threads of identity: mapping the veteran experience across the student life cycle. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 1-17.

Fewster, R & West, B 2023, ‘Applied theatre for military personnel in recovery: creativity, agency, and re-imagining the self’, Research in Drama Education, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 338-354.

Wadham, B, Andrewartha, L, Takarangi, M, Harvey, A, West, B, Wyatt-Smith, M, Davis, J & Moeck, E 2022, ‘Staying the Course: Strategies for Australian Student Veterans in Transition’, Journal of Veterans Studies, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 208-221.

Wadham, B, Takarangi, M, Harvey, A, Andrewartha, L, West, B, Wyatt-Smith, M & Davis, J 2021, Australian universities and educational equity for student veterans, Curtin University, Australia.

West, B & Fewster, R 2021, ‘Ritual and recovery outside of regiment: performing arts in a university-based adjunct wellbeing program for injured soldiers’, in B West & T Crosbie (eds), Militarization and the Global Rise of Paramilitary Culture: Post-Heroic Reimaginings of the Warrior, Springer, Singapore, ch. 8, pp. 149-167.

Dabovich, P., Eliott, J., & McFarlane, A. (2019). Individuate and separate: values and identity re-development during rehabilitation and transition in the Australian Army. Social Science and Medicine, 222, 265-273.